Job satisfaction and balance
Within the lecture, Arne Nielsson provides inspiration, tools and knowledge about how work satisfaction can be developed with few and simple models. We believe that work, family and our spare time are interrelated, so the value of creating job satisfaction has both an impact on productivity, sick leave and joy in life. If you have a "good day" at work, there are more resources for the family and spare time.
In his lecture Arne Nielsson will implement the concept of "hands-over-head-days" - days when you get home from work with surplus resources and energy. In addition, we deal with what creates these days, how we each can contribute to elevate a common culture within the workplace, where we give ourselves time to define the most appropriate behavior in order to give the most people surplus resources and energy, that we believe can help increase the individual's self-esteem.
We know that high self-esteem creates more energy, greater tolerance and more creativity.
The lecture is based upon the mechanisms that govern and affect human behavior. We draw parallels from the world of sport, where performing under pressure on a specific day is the prerequisite for being successful.
• How do we survive in a world that constantly makes greater and greater demands?
• How do I secure harmony between job, family and spare time?
• How do I create awareness of how I control and influence myself in relation to stress?
• How do I influence myself and others to make the most of themselves and their surroundings?
• How do I gain resources for a busy day?
Arne Nielsson was the smallest canoeist who, despite the lack of faith in his ability to succeed, defied various negative prejudices and became the most successful canoeist with 10 world championships, 74 Danish championships and 1 Olympic medal behind him - an example, and proof, that it is our attitude toward ourselves and those we are together with that determine our results.
In addition, Arne is a highly sought-after coach, and has coached people at the top of Danish business and sports.
Last but not least, among other things Arne Nielsson is author of the bestselling book "The Will to Triumph", which is about getting the best out of yourself and your surroundings.
Your teenager should be coached, not reared
Arne Nielsson is basing his lecture - "Your teenager has to be coached, not reared” - on his bestseller of the same name, the essence being that you as a parent must change your behavior and your way of dealing with what happens to your child. When the teenager is entering the adult world - it means your teenager must find his / her own identity and opinions. It's a tough process for many parents. At the lecture you get inspiration, knowledge and understanding of what happens to your teenager, what expectations the teenager has for your role, what you as parents can do and how you as parents / couples / cohabiting or divorced parents can, and should, provide guidelines for your teenagers. The most important thing in this phase is that we understand that we as parents must be strong during this very difficult period. Additionally, you also get inspiration for how to gain resources. How can you influence yourself emotionally, so you react appropriately when situations occur that you didn’t expect?
Mental tools for coping with life's challenges
With this brand-new lecture, by the brothers Arne and Brian Nielsson, you get inspiration and tools to create top performance, as well as how to make sure you do not burn out. Many of us love the pressure that a demanding job gives, that's what causes us to produce results and what makes us feel alive. But there are few who manage to switch between the high gear and the deep calm. The constant focus on striving for more has become a chronic condition among many. We, as humans, are out of balance because we have created a society where almost everything is urgent.
We need new tools to navigate in a society that constantly sets new and greater demands. At this lecture you will be inspired to develop your own performance pattern and you will be guided through meditation techniques which you can use to switch between the high gear and intense calm.
The will is in the heart
One day, Arne Nielsson's wife suddenly tells him she wants a divorce.
This obviously triggers a major crisis within the family: the former elite athlete, author and coach is going through the greatest challenge of his life.
Within his own soul, Arne Nielsson can feel that many of his old strategies and patterns are inappropriate and inadequate. Together with psychologist Bjarne Lellek, he embarks on a whole new journey, where he has to get rid of the "old" Arne and find the "new" Arne.
It is so successful that Arne and his wife move back together and are still together today as a married couple. The book provides a number of useful exercises and knowledge about crisis psychology. A very honest and personal lecture by Arne Nielsson about the crisis of his life.
Do you know who you are?
Of course you do! But do you also know that your type of preference is crucial to what gives you energy, resources, drive, passion and joy? Or vice versa - drain your energy and commitment. Arne Nielsson gives you insight into how the four types act.
- The empathetic diplomat, the knowledge-seeking analyst, the effective practitioner or the dynamic enthusiast - Arne will help you to be the best version of yourself.
- How do you play yourself and other good?
- How do we create a culture - both at work, in marriage / relationship, as well as with parents - where you are aware of what is good for you and those with whom you surround yourself?
- The term "charge???" - from where do you draw energy how do you make sure your bus is on the way to where you want to go?
- The term "Charging Stations" - where do you get energy from and who are you "charging stations for" - as well as a strategy for this.
- "Communication- and learning-circle"
- How do you want to ensure that colleagues, spouses / cohabitants and children understand your communication as well as possible? You learn about the four typologies so you can create optimal communication and learning.
Willing the future - about tackling changes
In this lecture with Arne Nielsson you get inspiration, knowledge and tools for how your well-being can be developed with few and simple models. Job, family and spare time are closely linked. Therefore, the value of job satisfaction has both an impact on your productivity, sick leave and joy of life. From this lecture you will learn to have more good days at work, so you will have more resources for family and spare time. The lecture is based on the mechanisms that govern and affect human behavior. Arne Nielsson draws parallels from the world of sports, where you are under pressure every day - and every day is a prerequisite for success.
In this lecture, Arne talks about the concept of "Hands over Head Days", those days when you get home from work with surplus resources and energy, where it naturally affects the family.
In addition, you get insight into what creates these days and how we each can contribute to creating a common "Hands-Over-Heads” culture at work. A culture where we give ourselves time to define the most appropriate behavior with the aim of maximizing resources and energy.
This helps to increase your self-esteem, and high self-esteem creates more energy, greater tolerance and more creativity. You obtain knowledge of how you survive in a world that constantly makes greater and greater demands, advice about how to ensure harmony between work, family and leisure, increased awareness of how to control and affect yourself in relation to stress, as well as inspiration for how you can influence yourself and others to make the most of yourself and your surroundings.

The Will To Win 2 - Coping Strategies
What is Coping? Based on his book – "The Will to Win 2 - Coping Strategies” - Arne Nielsson will introduce the concept 'Coping'. It's about tools for growing stronger and better within your workplace and in private.
Are you a warrior or a victim? The warrior fights and sees opportunities while the victim sees limitations. Are you using the basement staircase instead of the staircase of development?
If you are on your way down the basement staircase, then it is with frustration and irritation which can be the result of your work or private life.
On the other hand, if you choose the staircase of development, then it is with excitement and curiosity - and you're ready to see what happens next.
Are you ready to leave the comfort zone and enter to the development zone?
Arne Nielsson is great at capturing situations from his daily life and involving them in his lectures.

Will to Win - Harmony in work, family and spare time
As a world champion in canoe, with training in all kinds of weather, Arne Nielsson talks about how to relate to his workplace in both sunshine, tailwind and storms, which are metaphors you can transfer to your own world. Arne Nielsson belongs to the absolute elite in motivational lectures, and no two lectures are the same. One of Arne's strengths is that he is good at capturing situations from his own daily life and incorporating them into his lectures.
Using these very private examples, Arne can make his lectures realistic, humorous and incredibly appealing. Arne Nielsson focuses on "What you train in, you be better at” - positive as well as negative behavior, also the contagious effect this has on your environment. Arne focuses on coaching and how to help yourself and others achieve better results, and thus greater quality of life, focusing on mental development and inner dialogue - What is internal dialogue and how can we control this?
Arne Nielsson shows how to motivate and guide yourself and others to think positively and take part in a world of opportunities - Focus on the good days.
Arne also touches on topics like the Jante law, self-esteem and self-image, how can we be conscious of creating our own image. In addition, he performs some practical exercises to further involve and activate the participants.