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Coaching athletes


Arne Nielsson works with the training-thinking. What specifically should be focused on? What measurable intermediate goals have been put in place - there may be competitions or tests that show if we are on the right track?


In addition, Arne finds the athlete's top performance pattern. Which attitudes and attributes characterize the behavior of the person when he/she is their best?


Lastly, he works a lot with the mental process. Is there a connection between attitudes and body language as well as the behavior needed for the goal to be achieved? At this stage, Arne uses visualization as an important tool. If you can see yourself succeed, you can significantly increase the possibility of it happening.


In cooperation with Arne Nielsson, you get a mental training course toward your ultimate goals.


Arne has experience with athletes in a variety of sports, including: golf, football, handball, badminton, tennis, cycling, horse riding, canoeing and kayaking, sailing, dancing, triathlon, duathlon and motorsport.

Søren Kjeldsen


"When I contacted Arne Nielsson many years ago, I was an accomplished golfer. I ranked 60th in Europe and 150th in the world. I lived a good life with wife and children but a life with huge mood swings, as my perfectionist mind never gave me 5 minutes of peace. At the start of our collaboration, the biggest progress was off the track. Arne helped me find the peace in my everyday life and suddenly my family found that they had a Søren who was significantly easier to get home from the"tour"... .


Then came the sporting success. My progress came quietly, in 2007 I got 3 second places, finishing number 17 in Europe and number 69 in the world.


"But what are you doing?" - people always asked.


Indeed, it's hard for me to boil down to a few sentences. Arne and I are talking almost every day, which makes it easier to digest it all. We are making a plan for tomorrow and then I'm going on...


Today I am 100 times more aware of my mental game. Every day I hit hundreds of balls and putts to improve myself, before that time I had no structure in my mental game...I have today, thanks to Arne.


I have a dream of becoming the best golfer I can be, and I know that Arne Nielsson is the person who can help me reach that dream … . "

Coaching af indrætsudøvere

Coaching of private, business people and management teams


The goal of coaching is to create harmony for the person or to clarify what goals and dreams haven’t yet come true. We are working to find the person's value base, and then we find goals in terms of work, family and spare time.


Job goals will often be measurable things the person wants to achieve in their job. Family-related goals will often be how good a spouse/father/ mother do I want to be? How many days do I come home and positively contribute to those I care for? The spare time goal will often be: what will I use my spare time for and with whom, and what value should it have? During spare time, we often also have a physical goal, which means in what physical form will I be in 5 years, 10 years and the day I leave the labor market? What will I do to reach it and how will I measure whether I reach my goals?


A course will typically range from 3 months to several years.


During the course of the process there will be a constant assessment of whether we achieve the goals we have set.


In all forms of coaching, chemistry, respect and mutual trust are the foundation of the result - if that's not present, neither the coach nor the customer/client will achieve the best outcome.

Coaching af private, erhvervsfolk..

Release Playfulness

Many miss the playfulness in life - the play that filled our childhood, our schooling, the first job and family time with energy and optimism. Who and what motivates us when the challenges and pressures grow. In this book, Arne Nielsson and psychologist Bjarne Lellek tell that playfulness in recent years has not been prioritized in the workplace, in school, in spare time and in family life.

After foreign ideals, we have started to focus on efficiency and savings, with the introduction of concepts such as: LEAN routines and PISA tests. The result is, according to the two authors, that we Danes experience increased control and less confidence in ourselves, and our special ability to think independently, creatively and flexibly, with both good judgment and emotional intelligence. These skills will be needed in the near future if we still want to be a leader in technology, design and innovation - something Denmark is known for worldwide.


Play has an influence on whether we can recreate job satisfaction, increase the bottom line, secure our well-being, strengthen relationships and increase creativity - even in our spare time.


The book provides a lot of examples and instructions on how to restore playfulness at our job, in our free time and throughout our family life.

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